CSPWA Welcome to Term 2 Newsletter 2020
Welcome from Executive Director
P&F/Parent Group Reconnect
Keeping your students motivated to learn - Free Webinar
Student Wellbeing Webinar
Parent Group Meeting Procedures during Coronavirus crisis
Planning Meeting Guidelines
Tips for Parents during the Coronavirus Crisis
The Tradition of the May Altar
Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) Resources for Parents
Covidsafe App Reminder
Mothers Day Wishes
While we enter this term with some uncertainty about how things will play out, there is one aspect that remains unchanged – a Catholic school is a Catholic community. We are a body and contribute and support each other in different ways at different times.
You will find some ideas to assist P&F’s/Parent Groups to reconnect with your school communities further down in this newsletter and of course we would love to hear about any innovative ways you are using to help your school communities bounce back from Covid-19.
The connection to a Catholic community is something that can bring comfort and surety in times of trouble and need. Many people connected to our school communities will be struggling in different ways as a result of the pandemic and associated consequences.
Those who are living with or caring for people in vulnerable categories may have anxieties and concerns about coping, health care, ongoing welfare and educational opportunities. Others may be suffering financial hardships due to job loss or lack of job security. Isolation, changed routines, working from home and limited freedoms can raise stress levels among adults and children alike. Children and young people have been physically cut off from their friends, activities and comfort zones, and young minds can struggle to process the impact and feelings associated with this.
Of greater concern are those who live in volatile or dangerous situations, where domestic and emotional violence is an everyday occurrence with no escape. So while most of us will struggle or suffer in some way during this time, we must ensure that those in the most vulnerable groups and dire circumstances are not left behind or left alone.
For those who are coping well, have strong support networks and a regular income, this is our chance to lift our eyes and look around to see whether someone needs our help. This can be done in many ways, and being connected to the Catholic school community is a chance to put our faith into action.
School fee relief can provide a lifeline that maintains routine, comfort zones and a connection to a Catholic community. While schools have actively shared the message about school fee relief, not everyone may be comfortable approaching their school or principal to have this conversation. Let’s look out for each other, making sure that options for help are available and well known.
We encourage anyone who may be worried about paying school fees to speak to your school as soon as possible. There are many options available for full or partial fee relief based on individual circumstances and needs. We want to keep all families who want a Catholic education for their children connected to their school. If a family has added financial pressure, a change of school and friendship groups will be another massive hit to children and families so this is a situation we want to avoid.
Support for those in need has always been available in the Catholic education system. Needs come in ebbs and flows and supporting the vulnerable is part of our Catholic identity. In order for Catholic education to continue to thrive through these challenging times, those who can are encouraged to continue paying their school fees so we still have teachers, schools and resources ready and waiting when things return to normal.
There is a beautiful hymn copied below that perfectly reflects this sentiment. Let’s hope God’s love and Spirit shines out of our Catholic schools during this time of adversity and demonstrates why so many choose a Catholic education for their children.
"We will work with each other, we will work side by side.
And we'll guard each man's dignity and save each man's pride.
And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love.
Yeah, they'll know we are Christians by our love".
Artist: Jars of Clay (2005)
Enjoy term 2 and all the joy that being a living community again brings!
Siobhan Allen
CSPWA warmly invites you to attend a Zoom Meeting
Primary School Parents-Tuesday May 19th at 10am or May 26th at 7pm
Secondary School Parents- Thursday May 21st at 10am or Thursday May 28th at 7pm
We welcome any member of your P&F/parent group to participate in the meeting, or if they are not free just nominate another representative from your school community. We look forward to sharing some of the initiatives that individual parent groups have already put in place, and also to assisting those of you who may be struggling with how to make it work.
Please join the meeting to talk about ways in which the P&F/Parent Group can continue in its role in building positive school communities. How can we stay connected with the members of our school communities during these challenging times? Hear and share some tips on how to face some of these challenges together.
To confirm attendance please click on the link below.
We look forward to seeing you then!
It has been a challenging time for parents who are trying to engage with and help young people with their learning.
David Castelanelli, a former Head boy of Chisholm Catholic College and 2018 WA Youth Ambassador has developed some great online courses and presentations, aimed at helping young people achieve their own versions of success and happiness.
Thousands of young people and their parents have benefited from the authentic, relatable and transformational power of David's school programs, events and webinars.
This free webinar covers such topics as:
- Keeping your child focused and motivated for Term 2 (The Focus
Zone) - Staying positive and resilient during this time
- Managing your child's stress and anxiety
To access the Webinar Click HERE
The move to remote learning brings with it unique wellbeing challenges for students. What can we do to help students make the most of this ‘new normal’?
This webinar brings together a panel of teachers, school leaders and psychologists from USA, Australia, New Zealand and Hong Kong to share their experiences about the student wellbeing issues they are seeing and some of the innovative solutions they are trying. Join Dr Lea Waters AM, PHD and her panel of international guests for a FREE Webinar on Student Wellbeing, Monday, May 11th, 7 pm – 8:30 pm AEST time.
The P&F/Parent Group can play an instrumental role, even more so than usual, in continuing to maintain positive Catholic school communities. There is no reason why this cannot be continued through virtual means, for more information Click here
Catholic School Parents WA have available for parents a document entitled 'Planning Meeting Guidelines'. This resource was created to encourage school leaders from the school board, P&F/parent group and school leadership team to convene a planning meeting whereby members of all groups could come together and plan together for the ensuing school year.
Given the current circumstances we find ourselves in, CSPWA thought that this resource may be useful in helping determine a way forward in reconnecting school communities. The resource is intended as a guide only and should be revised or amended to suit an individual school's context. Please feel free to use it as best suits your needs.
As parents, we often put our needs aside as we focus on caring for, raising and supporting our children. For many, parenting during the COVID-19 pandemic has presented a completely new set of challenges.
One particular practice characteristic of May devotions is the May Altar, whether in a church or as a 'house alter' in the home. Marian devotions such as the Rosary may take place within the family around this altar consisting of a table with a Marian picture, candles, and decorated with many May flowers.
The custom of the May Altar stems from southern European countries. With the development of May Altars in churches, the custom spread to set up this type of altar also in the home.
This specific devotion has been supported by several Popes including our current Pope Francis who has asked all Catholics to pray the Rosary especially throughout the current Coronavirus crisis.
A Guide to praying the Rosary can be found HERE
ACARA has compiled a range of resources and links to help parents/carers at this unique time, with information on various resources available, including an overview of how the Australian Curriculum is organised, explaining how the learning areas (subjects), general capabilities and cross-curriculum priorities work together to form the Australian Curriculum and quick guides on what your child will learn at each stage of their schooling. Read more
COVIDSafe App to make tracing easier
The COVIDSafe app has been launched to help slow the spread of COVID-19. COVIDSafe will speed up the process of identifying people who have been in close contact with someone diagnosed with coronavirus, quickly stopping further spread of the virus in the community. The app is completely voluntary and can be downloaded via app stores.
"The gaze of the Mother, and the gaze of every mother. A world that looks to the future without a mother’s gaze is shortsighted. It may well increase its profits, but it will no longer see others as children. It will make money, but not for everyone. We will all dwell in the same house, but not as brothers and sisters. The human family is built upon mothers. A world in which maternal tenderness is dismissed as mere sentiment may be rich materially, but poor where the future is concerned." - Pope Francis