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Andrew is a clinical psychologist who works with many schools and communities in Australia and internationally, specialising in the wellbeing of young people and their families. Andrew has established programs for the promotion of mental health in schools, substance abuse prevention, and the reduction of violence and bullying, suicide prevention programs and for assisting homeless young people. 

Andrew is the author of Tricky Kids, Guerilla Tactics for Teachers, Help your Child Succeed at School, Raising Real People, From Surviving to Thriving, Work Smarter not Harder and Beating Bullies. For more information on these resources, please click here.

Andrew conducts workshops for organisations, parents, students, teachers and health professionals on a wide range of topics, and also has several free resources for parents on his website:

Andrew was a key note speaker at our 70th Anniversary conference in June and provided us with the below resources for families, highlighting how we can build on our child's learning strengths. He examined several diagnoses including ADHD, oppositional defiance, spectrums, trauma and anxiety and ways we can convert this neurodiversity into neuro advantage.

Learning Strengths and Anxiety.

Learning Strengths and Attention.

Learning Strengths and Gifted Children.

Learning Strengths and Oppositional Defiance.

Learning Strengths and Spectrum.

Learning Strengths and Trauma.

Strategies for Parents.